Educational Sciences

Educational Sciences itnroducation

Educational Sciences

Educational sciences  as one of the fields of humanities, is a set of interconnected knowledge that examines the foundations, principles, goals, methods, and solving problems and deficiencies in the field of education

Educational science is a field that uses the theoretical and operational topics of education, as well as scientific methods and findings of sciences such as psychology, sociology and etc.

The Department of Educational Sciences of Hoda Faculty as one of the main departments started its activity in 2018 at the undergraduate level.

Currently, this group, as one of the active and interested groups in the field of education and training and new methods of education, educates students in the bachelor's degree in educational sciences and master's degree in educational management.

The graduates of these fields, with the acquisition of theoretical and practical skills, can work as teachers and education managers, educational, administrative and executive experts in the fields of education, higher education, and education units after graduation. Organizations and other educational and training organizations of the country to be engaged in service.